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Bill Jardine

Safer Roads Humber

Safer Roads Humber is the regional road safety partnership whose aim is to reduce the number of people killed and injured across the region's roads.  It comprises  the four local councils (East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull City Council, North East Lincolnshire Council and North Lincolnshire Council) Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue Service and National Highways.

We work together with each organisation playing their own part. The councils and National Highways are responsible for the engineering of the roads, the Police enforce traffic law and the Fire Service engage and educate the public.


The Safer Roads Humber engagement team are Fire Service employees but are funded by Safer Roads Humber and our three advisors work across the whole of the Humber area.


During term times the team spends much of their time in schools. They use a range of interactive presentations to cover topics like walking and cycling, wearing seat belts or using car seats and being a good passenger. Their programme starts in Key Stage One (the start of primary schools) and the activities build upon each other as the pupils become more independent travellers at the end of primary and the start of secondary school.


The road safety programme is enhanced by a range of road safety plays which present our key messages in a different way. 


The team work closely with young drivers and young passengers in the regions colleges and apprentice training establishments. Our aim is to equip young people with the skills to be safe on our roads, as this is one of the biggest risks they face in their day to day life. 


The team also works closely with businesses, community and youth organisations presenting to all ages in the hope of raising awareness of being safe on the road.


During the school holidays the team attends a wide range of events interactive with all ages. Our event stall is interactive and the team are able to talk to visitors about a wide range of road user issues including walkers, cyclists, motorcyclists, horse riders and drivers.   


We always have something for everyone and we hope we present our information in a fun but informative way.


If you would like further information about the Safer Roads Humber engagement team please email us at

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